Now also available via Gregs StorageIO Podcast on Apple iTunes

This is a new episode in the continuing StorageIO industry trends and perspectives pod cast series (you can view more episodes or shows along with other audio and video content here) as well as listening via iTunes or via your preferred means using this RSS feed (

StorageIO industry trends cloud, virtualization and big data

In this episode, I talk with SSD nand flash and DRAM chip analyst Jim Handy of Objective Analysis at the LSI AIS (Accelerating Innovation Summit) 2012 in San Jose. Our conversation includes SSD past, present and future, market and industry trends, who are doing what and things to keep an eye and ear, open for along with server, storage and memory convergence.

Click here (right-click to download MP3 file) or on the microphone image to listento the conversation with Jim and myself.

StorageIO podcast

Also available via Gregs StorageIO Podcast on Apple iTunes

Watch (and listen) for more StorageIO industry trends and perspectives audio blog posts pod casts and other upcoming events. Also be sure to heck out other related pod casts, videos, posts, tips and industry commentary at and

Enjoy this episode SSD Past, Present and Future with Jim Handy.

Ok, nuff said.

Cheers gs

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