RACKWISE Data Center Manager 3.5 Provides Major Advancements to the Data Center Management and Intelligence Marketplace
NASHVILLE, TN - MARCH 9, 2010 Rackwise, the internationally recognized leader in Data Center Management and Intelligence solutions, announces RACKWISE Data Center Manager (DCM) version 3.5, the next progression of its award winning data center management software at AFCOM Data Center World 2010 in Nashville, TN.
“Rackwise does with software what other vendors in the market today do with services,” said Bill Nelson, Director of Product Management at Rackwise. “The new product allows users to customize RACKWISE to their needs, integrate with best of breed solutions already in their data center or network operations, and skip the rigid process required by other software and services packages. RACKWISE 3.5 can be deployed anywhere in the world remotely, and is fully functional within a matter of days.”
Version 3.5 enhances RACKWISE DCM with the addition of many new features, as well as significant advancements to the DCM’s existing feature set. RACKWISE DCM v3.5 provides organizations the ability to:
BUSINESS SERVICE MANAGEMENT: Analyze operational costs of business services by geographical location, customer, application, or any custom property. Lower risk by ensuring redundancy to power, and avoiding cascade failures.
CHARGE BACK REPORTING: Charge back departments and customers by space, power, CPU utilization, or any user-defined metric, thus ensuring absolute accuracy. User customizable reporting templates allow extensibility of purpose.
CAPACITY FORECAST: Trend on capacity, and predict future depletion date of power, space, cooling, and weight.
DATA CENTER OPTIMIZATION: Optimize the data center by locating servers with low CPU utilization, recognize top power/space/ heat consumption devices, and correlate those devices to the applications and business services they support. Decommission and commission devices according to most significant savings and ROI.
ENHANCED POWER MANAGEMENT: Simulate failure of critical components (power source, UPS, PDU, circuit) and determine the corresponding impact to systems, applications, business services, and other user defined entities.
BI-DIRECTIONAL CMDB INTEGRATION: Provide full bi-directional integration via a validated integration with BMC Atrium CMDB. Integration into other leading CMDB’s is provided via the advanced Rackwise API.
WORKFLOW & CHANGE MANAGEMENT: Provide full interactive bi-directional integration with BMC’s Remedy ARS Workflow System, utilizing a BMC Validated Orchestrator Adaptor Interface. Integration into other leading workflow & change management systems is provided via the advanced Rackwise API.
REAL TIME POWER: Gather data directly from Intelligent PDUs, power strips, and building management systems.
REAL TIME MONITORING: Monitor CPU utilization, virtual machines, power, temperature, humidity, and other user selected data.
“RACKWISE v3.5 will help our customers dramatically reduce risk, increase the rate of change in their data centers, all the while lowering the cost of each layer of data center management. This release is truly a game changer,” said Dom Lesme, Vice President and General Manager of Rackwise. “The intersection of an intuitive interface and sophisticated analysis give users the intelligence they need to revolutionize their data center operations for the 21st century.”
RACKWISE DCM 3.5 will be showcased at AFCOM Data Center World 2010, in booth #517.
ABOUT RACKWISE Founded in 2003, Rackwise develops innovative data center management and intelligence software. The Rackwise product family is broadly used by Global 2000 enterprises, service providers, and SMB’s to intelligently plan and manage their IT physical infrastructure. For more information, please visit www.rackwise.com, email marketing@rackwise.com, or call 702.818.2385

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