That is not my opinion. It is the opinion of these two gentleman: Don Jones and Greg Shields, of Concentrated Technology.

They argue, in four bulletpoints, that VDI does not offer any value for any business whatsoever. It is a gimmick: It is not cost effective, it replaces cheap local storage with expensive SAN (which the two classify as overkill), it does not make anyone work more efficiently and oh: it is complicated and multi layered to boot.

If I have ever read a motion of distrust toward data centers as computing centers, this is it. Basically, the two are saying that consolidation in a data center (VDI is the consolidation of a desktop infrastructure in the data center) just doesn't work. It is more expensive (their prime argument) than putting the same application on multiple local computers, the technology is not suitable (their SAN-point).

That's not very flattering. But are they maybe right?

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Comment by David Cappuccio on July 18, 2010 at 0:13
In some cases consolidation and VDI is not about saving money up front, or even reducing technical complexity, it's about improving manageability, increased security and enhanced IT control. You can certainly put the same application on multiple inexpensive PC's, and probably cheaper, but try expanding that concept to hundreds or even thousands of desktops, and then have fun trying to manage all those image versions, continuously monitor for intrusion and virus threats, maintain patch disciplines, while maintaining an active tier 1 and 2 support group. Many of these issues are a lot more controllable in a consolidated environment, even though the capital outlay up front may seem greater. And to the SAN issue - try moving physical workloads (with data) from one of those user PC's to a new system, and then compare that to moving a virtual workload from VM to VM with a SAN. With data always available and not dedicated to one system life is a LOT easier for storage administrators. IMHO of course.

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