I am not quite sure if this organization has reliazed all the issues that the actual DCs have to take in consideration, more than a bycicle booth for storage (by the way I like to biking).
At least six different systems are included in the DCs
* Architecture (well described in the draft)
* Cooling (not only natural -free cooling- but liquid and of course electromechanical -HVAC- have to be considered)
* Energy ( I think renewable and electric load have to be better appointed)
* Safety (here in my opinion- is not the same to use FM 200, Hypoxia or water mist -HiFog- solutions)
* Security (here maybe the impact is not so important, but should be addrese)
* IT Transport (not only cabling -cooper meters & meters) but cabinets, spaces, IT grounding.....should be take in consideration)
And of course all the IT equipment (computing, storage and connectivity) that spend energy and cooling in a manner that all world (DC industry of course) intend to reduce and be efficient.
After reading the D+C & O+M draft for LEED rating see http://www.usgbc.org/LEED/LEEDDrafts/RatingSystemVersions.aspx?CMSP...
At this point I think to possibilities can arise
A) USGBC do not hear the industry AND the end user
B) USGBC ask for advise and consulting: EU Code of conduct, ASRHAE, NFPA, EPA, GreenGrid, UPTime Institute, TIA, ASIS, BICSI and all the PROFESSIONALS involved in this industry.
In my position , I can not do so much -I am in México,- however this -at least in our industry- can lead to LEED to be ignore by us or ...
What is your opinion?
roberto sanchez, RCDD
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