Companies spanning multiple industries – including education, financial and healthcare – are turning to virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) as a way to improve their operational efficiencies and bottom line. VDI enables IT to provision and deploy new desktops faster; replace traditional desktops with more cost effective thin clients; as well as enhance overall security by centralizing system administration.
Yet many deployments have been fraught with difficulty – frequently…
Added by Chris MacKinnon on March 29, 2011 at 15:02 —
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Companies spanning multiple industries – including education, financial and healthcare – are turning to virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) as a way to improve their operational efficiencies and bottom line. VDI enables IT to provision and deploy new desktops faster; replace traditional desktops with more cost effective thin clients; as well as enhance overall security by centralizing system administration.
Yet many deployments have been fraught with difficulty – frequently…
Added by Chris MacKinnon on March 29, 2011 at 15:01 —
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Tape is like insurance. You’re tempted to save a few bucks by doing without it, but the cost of not having it when you need it can be catastrophic. Without a tape backup solution, or with the wrong tape backup solution, a company can lose access to data and either fire their IT manager, face severe regulatory fines for not being able to reproduce data, or flat out go out-of-business. Tape is rarely top of mind to an IT manager. An IT manager is more likely thinking about server performance,…
Added by Chris MacKinnon on March 28, 2011 at 12:44 —
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Over the course of the last 5-10 years, IT organizations from the smallest of the SMB to the largest of the Enterprise have become dependent upon remote access tools to manage their servers and devices. The problem, however, is that these tools were adopted by different groups within the organization, without a clear strategy (i.e., the Windows team adopted IP KVM and RDP, while the network team bought console servers and adopted SSH).
Over time, the vast majority of IT departments…
Added by Chris MacKinnon on March 25, 2011 at 18:09 —
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What constitutes a good data center design?One which efficiently meets the needs of the client. It should contain the following aspects:
- Be flexible to adapt to changing requirements and technology
- Be reliable in supporting customer processing
- Be maintainable, so as to retain design reliability over time
- Include vendor-neutral solutions to encourage competitive procurement
- Be well-documented and understood by…
Added by Chris MacKinnon on March 24, 2011 at 16:37 —
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Disasters and Business Continuity Management (2) -
By Roberto Sánchez, RCDD
At this point after almost two weeks after the Great Tsunami in Japan, we have seen in the media everything that is going in Fukushima.
At this point we have heard about water contamination issues, a reduction in meals, however we have not hear yet a cease of communication or downtime –severe- in the Japanese telecommunication nor other industry.…
Added by roberto sanchez,RCDD on March 24, 2011 at 6:29 —
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Despite significant investments directed at avoiding downtime, businesses continue to suffer significant outages. Often, these outages are due to factors beyond their control and are fundamentally due to the complexity and fragility of the typical application infrastructure stack. The TransLattice Application Platform (TAP) provides a new way of delivering business-critical applications that eliminates any single point of failure and dramatically reduces the complexity of implementing and…
Added by Chris MacKinnon on March 23, 2011 at 16:43 —
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While the process of selection of a monitoring system is necessarily unique to every enterprise, this document provides some guidance as to issues to consider when making that decision. Selecting the best monitoring system for your enterprise boils down to a single selection criteria: Pick the monitoring system that adds the most value to your business.
A monitoring system adds value if the benefits of the system are greater than the acquisition,…
Added by Ari Echt on March 22, 2011 at 22:18 —
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What constitutes a good data center design?
Today’s best data centers are designed from the concept stage through the entire service life of the facility, with the following three objectives:
More Here
Added by Chris MacKinnon on March 22, 2011 at 16:25 —
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Virtual Infrastructure Optimization is about optimizing the performance, availability and utilization of both the physical and virtual IT infrastructure. Virtualization, both for servers and for storage, is becoming widespread and somewhere between 30% to 40% of IT applications are now virtualized within a typical data center. For many organizations, this is where “virtual stall” enters the picture. The low-hanging fruit of IT-controlled applications (e-mail, file services, test & dev,…
Added by Chris MacKinnon on March 21, 2011 at 13:33 —
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Internal processes may be the best answer to mitigating risks associated with third-party virtual appliances.
The enterprise data center is, in most cases, what aquarists would call a “closed system.” This is to say that from a systems and application perspective, the enterprise has control over what goes in.
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Added by Chris MacKinnon on March 19, 2011 at 12:04 —
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Expectations are high for enterprise and service provider data center organizations
to adapt their complex, dynamic infrastructures to the changing needs of business. But between virtualization and public/private cloud hybrid environments, the old ways of doing things won’t cut it when it comes to scaling dynamically to provide elastic monitoring and performance analysis, finding the root cause of problems and analyzing service levels across the entire infrastructure.
Added by Chris MacKinnon on March 18, 2011 at 15:53 —
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Added by Robert Schmidt on March 17, 2011 at 15:05 —
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Workers and customers, empowered by smartphones and widely available Wi-Fi services, want and are demanding 24x7 access to email, company network resources, and Web sites. And thanks to today’s global marketplace, even small companies must support round-the-clock activities.
Unfortunately, IT system downtime remains a problem for companies of all sizes. A 2010 eWEEK article1 reporting on an industry study noted that North American businesses suffer an average of 10 hours of IT…
Added by Chris MacKinnon on March 17, 2011 at 11:05 —
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Cloud computing is extremely beneficial for today’s datacenters. Private clouds are typically offered as a more managed service offering, so companies can move some (or all) of day to day IT management duties to a cloud provider, housed in a datacenter. This increase of customers choosing the cloud means cloud companies will continue to increase their footprint in datacenters.
IT Managers should care because of the variety of operational and strategic benefits:
Added by Chris MacKinnon on March 16, 2011 at 12:03 —
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The Cirtas Bluejet Cloud Storage Controller is useful in today’s enterprise data center because it resolves the issues surrounding rapid growth of data storage capacity and associated data protection costs. By harnessing the power of public cloud storage utilities, Bluejet frees up data center rack space and substantially reduces power and cooling requirements. To servers and applications, Bluejet looks like an on-premise storage array accessed using iSCSI, NFS (network file system) or CIFS…
Added by Chris MacKinnon on March 15, 2011 at 14:18 —
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The dynamic nature of today’s virtualized data centers presents new environmental monitoring challenges
The combination of today’s powerful servers with the wide-scale adoption of virtualization is radically changing the way companies must monitor their data centers.
The consequences when problems arise are very high. While the loss of a single system in a smaller server room is cause for concern, a single data-center blade server failure in a large…
Added by Chris MacKinnon on March 14, 2011 at 14:29 —
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The “what” is a dynamic data center infrastructure. Cloud is “how” to get there.
Admist the chatter and sound bites on Twitter coming from Cloud Connect this week are some interesting side conversations revolving around architecture and how cloud may or may not change the premises upon which those architectures are based. Architecture is, in the technology demesne, the “fundamental underlying design of computer hardware,…
Added by Chris MacKinnon on March 12, 2011 at 14:45 —
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Third party hardware support and third party maintenance (TPM) enable four types of business value – cost reduction, cost avoidance, business agility, and risk reduction. We’ll cover all of these over time on our blog, but this blog post will discuss cost reduction.
TPM services enable organizations to reduce their direct (budgeted) costs for IT labor and outsourced maintenance services. Here are 3 ways this happens:
Added by Chris MacKinnon on March 12, 2011 at 14:44 —
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We need to remember that operations isn’t just about deploying applications, it’s about deploying applications within a much larger, interdependent ecosystem.
One of the key focuses of devops – that hardy movement that seeks to bridge the gap between development and operations – is on deployment. Repeatable deployment of applications, in particular, as a means to reduce the time and effort that goes into the deployment of applications into a production…
Added by Chris MacKinnon on March 12, 2011 at 14:42 —
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