March 2014 Blog Posts (5)

DCeP - one metric to rule them all?

There has been a recent flurry of activity around Data Center energy Productivity (DCeP) as an efficiency metric for data centers which has been proposed by a global taskforce, consisting of the Green Grid, along with two US government agencies…


Added by Paul Latham on March 31, 2014 at 16:19 — No Comments

Save Money by Not Economizing

Many designers and operators attempt to optimize their new or upgraded site for the greatest amount of “free”, economized cooling operation. This has been given great emphasis in recent years by the publication of free cooling maps which show how…


Added by Paul Latham on March 26, 2014 at 15:46 — No Comments

Why Businesses required a Data Center Disaster Recovery Plan?

Numerous organizations have no any solutions to recover your important data from any disaster and they don't have any slant of getting any plans. They are thinking that there are noting happened with its data which stored on their systems, on other way they neglect any disaster which crash its data. Generally organizations additionally feel that there is just an insignificant chance that they will experience any issues with their files while others guess that the delicate information they…


Added by Sandeep Kumar on March 20, 2014 at 11:00 — No Comments

Putting your foot flat on the accelerator doesn’t make for an efficient data center

The sheer complexity of new data center builds that respond to external conditions etc have meant that the traditional skills of the operation team cannot be relied on to squeeze the maximum efficiency out of their new or upgraded facility. Some far-sighted design engineers now invite the operations team to the Integrated Systems Test (IST), but we don’t feel…


Added by Paul Latham on March 14, 2014 at 18:18 — No Comments

London South Bank University: modelling tomorrow's cleaner, greener datacentres

As the race to design ever more energy-efficient datacentres heats up, IT industry players large and small are engaged in efforts to reduce the sector’s carbon footprint and improve energy efficiency (see panel below).

But although the IT industry has profound commercial, regulatory and sustainability incentives to develop more efficient datacentre technologies, arguably the biggest energy savings to be made come not from the design of servers, semiconductors and other IT…


Added by Paul Latham on March 12, 2014 at 11:29 — No Comments

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