April 2016 Blog Posts (15)

How Hypervisor Is Helping Distributed Data Center?

Virtualization has assisted organizations to improve and centralize their business conditions and create a highly proactive IT infrastructure. Server virtualization and consolidation has always been the two powerful techniques to remodel the data center into a cloud platform with the functionality that can support the most challenging applications.




Added by Priti on April 28, 2016 at 8:44 — No Comments

How Colocation Data Centres Use Modern Technology?

Colocation services mainly provide physical security, power, building, and cooling to the consumer who issues the servers and storage. The area of these services are either rented or leased according to the room, cage, cabinet or the rack. Many colocation services also provide for the business to purchase managed services for their servers and other computer hardware.


Is Choosing Colocation A Wise…


Added by Radhe Dhakad on April 27, 2016 at 12:33 — No Comments

Are data centers running efficiently?

Are all the data centers out there running efficiently? How much does it approximately cost to run applications on web servers within the IT infrastructure? That’s a difficult question to answer. There are diverse responses to this, as we can’t directly jump to any conclusion…


Added by Priti on April 26, 2016 at 13:04 — No Comments

Go4Hosting Dedicated Hosting Service Sees A Surge In Demand Among New Customers

Go4Hosting, the premier data center and cloud hosting solutions provider has announced that there is a significant increase in demand for their dedicated hosting solutions in the recent months. The popular hosting service has been announcing many limited-time offers and schemes to improve the popularity of their hosting services. The move clearly seems to have had the desired results.

“We have observed with great delight that there has been a steady increase in demand for our…


Added by Go4hosting on April 22, 2016 at 13:25 — No Comments

Is Public Cloud More Secure Than The Traditional IT Infrastructure?

Moving to cloud hosting is nothing new. In the recent years, cloud has been trending all over for good reasons. The debate over public cloud and traditional IT remains as influencing as ever. CIOS of the organizations is highly responsible to deciding…


Added by Priti on April 22, 2016 at 11:36 — No Comments

Tech Terms Every Tech User Must Know

Words like data centers, cloud, computer, smartphones, and laptops were at some stage unknown to many, but now these have become standard. In the current scenario, many new tech words have come in that are funny, thoughtful and bizarre.…


Added by Priti on April 19, 2016 at 12:07 — No Comments

Go4Hosting Enters The United States Market With a Bang

Go4Hosting, the leading hosting service provider from India has entered the United States market with a bang. The reliable server hosting company with a huge and growing client database has established itself as an undisputed leader in this domain on the strength of their superior technology and unmatched customer service. They are hoping to make a similar impact in the US market over the next few years.

“We are proud to announce that we have made a solid debut in the United States…


Added by Go4hosting on April 19, 2016 at 9:17 — No Comments

Web Werks Adds Its New Cloud Reseller Hosting Model

Web Werks has put a step forward to evolving its cloud hosting environment and IT services, as it will be now providing the latest cloud reseller-hosting model. The idea of inventing this crucial feature is to create brand awareness and to boost customer growth as it…


Added by Priti on April 18, 2016 at 13:05 — No Comments

Migrating to New Dedicated Server from the Older One

The question always arises why I need to move to a new dedicated server hosting when I can upgrade the existing one. Dedicated server has certain limitations and when the server is outgrown, then you may require to move to a new hardware. Besides, this technique…


Added by Priti on April 14, 2016 at 12:17 — No Comments

Why Choose Hyperscale For Storage Purpose?

When organizations first come across the term ‘hyperscale’, they think they have to be huge in the marketplace to leverage the particular concept. But that’s not the fact. Hyperscale is not specifically suitable for the big market players. Rather than comparing the feature with size, define it by its approach. The subject can’t be learnt at one go. So let’s start with basic.


What is Hyperscale?

Hyperscale is a distributed set of computing that supports…


Added by Priti on April 12, 2016 at 12:36 — No Comments

Web Werks Announces InternetFirst CSR initiative to improve Internet In India

Web Werks, the fastest growing data center services providers in India has announced its CSR initiative InternetFirst for affordable and improved internet experience for internet users in India.

“Internet has touched the lives of people in so many ways that it would not be wrong to say that it has completely transformed the way of living globally. Internet and IT industry is growing at a very…


Added by Priti on April 11, 2016 at 15:31 — No Comments

Various Factors that are causing Businesses to Move to Hybrid Cloud AU

Businesses world over are moving to the cloud for their web hosting requirements. It is far more reliable and affordable than the traditional form of hosting. Cloud services are available in three models of public cloud, private cloud and hybrid cloud. Businesses in Australia too have considered the benefits of the cloud environment. Hybrid cloud hosting AU has been recognised as an ideal hosting platform among the small and medium businesses.

What is hybrid…


Added by Go4hosting on April 8, 2016 at 6:30 — No Comments

BYOK – The Key to Securing Cloud Platform

Cloud continues to remain as efficient as it can be, but the one crucial issue that keeps drifting in IT managers mind all the while is security. No wonder how well cloud performs, the services becomes useless if it fails to meet the security standards. Data breach is hitting the headlines increasingly that is compelling companies to think twice on maintaining their database at an off-site facility.  


With the growing demands for better cloud security,…


Added by Priti on April 7, 2016 at 11:44 — No Comments

How is Cloud Computing Changing the IT Landscape?

Cloud is the solution to the modern digital world. The terminology is indeed a driving force in transforming the technology landscape. Every computing resources and services that comes under this segment can be delivered to you as a service, on-demand. Due to its major advantage over the conventional IT approaches, more users and organizations are moving to cloud hosting services. Besides, it is not…


Added by Priti on April 5, 2016 at 10:36 — No Comments

Go4Hosting Announces Exciting Cloud Server India 50% Cash Back Offer

the leading hosting service known for their innovative cloud hosting solutions that are customized to match client requirements, has announced an exciting cloud server India 50% cash back offer which rolls out immediately. Available to all new customers who prefer to buy cloud hosting solutions from this leading and reputable hosting solutions company, the offer is expected to drive hordes of…


Added by Go4hosting on April 2, 2016 at 9:36 — No Comments

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