June 2011 Blog Posts (23)

When Hackers Breach Your Databases Will You Be The Last To Know?

Anyone reading a newspaper or watching the evening news is aware of what seems to be a weekly occurrence of major data breaches – recently, Epsilon and Sony have dominated the headlines. The fact is that any type of breach – major or minor – can cause serious damage that will negatively impact the organization for months or even years after the actual incident.


Added by Chris MacKinnon on June 30, 2011 at 16:56 — No Comments

Combating Botnets and Other Malware

Cybercriminals create autonomous applications called bots that can infect networks in a variety of ways, via Web or email. A botnet is a network of these applications that are capable of acting on instruction once they are triggered. This happens when a bot, that may be dormant in your network,, “calls home” via any port. This allows perpetrators to control infected computers via their command and control hosts residing outside your network. In a study of 130 large companies done by…


Added by Chris MacKinnon on June 28, 2011 at 19:23 — No Comments

Tape talk time

For being a declared dead or zombie technology (here, here or here) tape remains very much alive however its role is changing. There is no disputing that hard disk drives (HDDs)…


Added by Greg Schulz on June 27, 2011 at 22:00 — No Comments

Securing data at rest: Self Encrypting Disks (SEDs)

Here is a link to a recent guest post that I was invited to do over at The Virtualization Practice (TVP)…


Added by Greg Schulz on June 27, 2011 at 21:55 — No Comments

What do VARs and Clouds as well as MSPs have in common?

What do VARs and Clouds as well as MSPs have in common?


Several things it turns out:

  • Some Value Added Resellers (VARS) (links to VAR related content and comments here, here and…

Added by Greg Schulz on June 27, 2011 at 21:52 — No Comments

NetApp and Akorri: An E2E cross technology domain SRA play

NetApp announced earlier this year that it was planning on doing another acquisition following on their recent purchase of Bycast (policy based storage and management software).…


Added by Greg Schulz on June 27, 2011 at 21:47 — No Comments

E2E Awareness and insight for IT environments

I recently did a couple of Industry Trends and Perspectives webcast events around the topic and themes of End to End (E2E) awareness and cross domain (or technology) management insight for cloud, virtual and other abstracted as well as physical IT environments. The…


Added by Greg Schulz on June 27, 2011 at 21:43 — No Comments

As the Hard Disk Drive (HDD) continues to spin

Despite having been repeatedly declared dead at the hands of some new emerging technology over the past several decades, the Hard Disk Drive (HDD) continues to evolve as it moves towards its 60th birthday. More recently HDDs have been…


Added by Greg Schulz on June 27, 2011 at 21:39 — No Comments

Green IT goes mainstream: What about data storage environments?

I recently did an interview with the folks over at Infortrend (a RAID storage company) discussing various industry trends and perspectives including…


Added by Greg Schulz on June 27, 2011 at 16:45 — No Comments

The Top 50 Data Center Industry Blogs (in our opinion)...

Hopefully, with your help, we are going to maintain neutral list of what you, our members consider the most informative blogs in the data center industry!

We have started off with a list of what we think are the 50 most informative blogs on the net based on:

  • Quality of information…

Added by DCPNet Admin on June 27, 2011 at 15:00 — No Comments

Adding I/O on Demand - Leveraging IOV (I/O Virtualization)

Traditional data center managers and IT admins take a conservative approach related to managing/provisioning I/O connectivity to rack mount based servers, typically installing multiple network interfaces cards (NICs) and storage host bus adapters (HBAs), with redundant cables/switches. This causes a burden on IT’s ability to agile/responsive to their business needs, as the setup/teardown of these environment are both time consuming and costly.



Added by Chris MacKinnon on June 24, 2011 at 13:22 — No Comments

“Read all about it, carbon tax kills Data Centres!”

Benjamin Franklin once said, "The only things certain in life are death and taxes”. 

Currently, the hot topic of discussion in Australia is the Australian carbon tax. The ramifications of this tax are not yet fully understood and the various political parties and independents who are negotiating the…


Added by Gregory Goode on June 24, 2011 at 2:05 — 1 Comment

Why Is Cable Sprawl A Problem?

Cost: When you include the resources at both ends of the cable – the switch ports and adapter cards – a single cable can represent up to $4000 in CAPEX.

Downtime exposure: Even with the most rigorous best practices observed, a cable is still the physical device most likely to fail and one of the hardest to troubleshoot.

Cooling: Efficient cooling requires unrestricted airflow. A wall of cables impairs that, causing equipment to run hotter and cooling systems to work…


Added by Chris MacKinnon on June 21, 2011 at 12:54 — No Comments

An Innovative Approach to Managed Hosting

A quick survey of the market tells us a number of key things about managed hosting in terms of the value proposition offered, as well as the challenges that it can present. The value proposition seems clear: Organizations that need their infrastructure managed and don’t have the internal resources to do so can either expand their IT capabilities or look externally to a service provider to take on the work. Many choose the second option because it is much faster and more cost effective than…


Added by Chris MacKinnon on June 16, 2011 at 16:41 — No Comments

Business Process Automation: Emerging As Its Own Market

Our customers tell us that analyst reports are true: IT & Operations budgets in the last 4 years have increased only 22%, while IT workloads have increased 165%. CIOs are saying "do more with less." Automation is the often the answer. 

As automation tools become more powerful, true unattended automation in the data center is accessible and possible. Automation tools used to be a small sliver of the $8 billion Business Process Management (BPM) space, but we feel as automation…


Added by Chris MacKinnon on June 15, 2011 at 13:52 — No Comments

Watch Out For Falling CFD Prices

For data center managers wrestling with demands to increase performance, server hot spots remain the bugaboo. Would it be better to shift racks around, replace equipment or just throw more CRACS at the problem?

For some companies, CFD (computational fluid dynamics) analysis delivers the answer. Its 3-D models of temperatures and flow can replace guesswork with answers accurate within 10% or better. What better way to design new facilities or enhance existing ones.



Added by Chris MacKinnon on June 14, 2011 at 12:52 — No Comments

Four Steps to Identify Legacy Data and Collection Strategies

In today’s litigious society it’s more important than ever to have a sound and defensible data retention and collection strategy. New regulations, changes in market expectations and advancements in technology make it wise to review legacy data identification and collection strategies. Old technology that was once state of the art or “tried and true” may no longer be so.

Below are four key items that should be considered when defining a new, defensible process.



Added by Chris MacKinnon on June 13, 2011 at 12:44 — No Comments

IT Departments Cite Current Configuration Management as Ineffective

Nearly 70% of a recently surveyed audience of IT professionals cited that their current configuration management approach is inadequate for meeting the needs of today's ever changing IT operations.

The global survey carried out by Evolven during a recent webinar conducted with Forrester Research reflects the growing frustration by IT Operations management with the current approaches for managing configurations in increasingly complex and dynamic data centers. The surveyed audience…


Added by Martin Perlin on June 12, 2011 at 9:30 — 2 Comments

IT Departments Cite Current Configuration Management as Ineffective for Running the Modern Data Center and Cloud

Nearly 70% of a recently surveyed audience of IT professionals cited that their current configuration management approach is inadequate for meeting the needs of today's ever changing IT operations.

The global survey carried out by Evolven during a recent webinar conducted with Forrester Research reflects the growing frustration by IT Operations management with the current approaches for managing configurations in increasingly complex and dynamic data centers. The surveyed audience…


Added by Martin Perlin on June 12, 2011 at 9:10 — No Comments

SBM Offers Data Center BOT to Saudi Market

Datacenter Consulting Services

As you design, remodel, or optimize your existing facilities, SBM offer the services to manage and execute your datacenter growth or consolidation strategy. SBM services help you obtain answers to your questions related to expansion, consolidation, cost reduction, and environment; including:…


Added by Ayman Safadi on June 7, 2011 at 17:00 — No Comments

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