May 2010 Blog Posts (19)

Why Current Network Security Fails

Why is it that advances in data center technology have so far failed to produce decent digital security for enterprises? Even with the newest firewalls, encryption schemes and what more, breaches are an almost daily occurence.

The answer is actually quite simple, as we can read in this article in Processor Magazine. The whole model that has… Continue

Added by Michiel van Blommestein on May 31, 2010 at 22:45 — No Comments

Why Current Network Security Fails

Why is it that advances in data center technology have so far failed to produce decent digital security for enterprises? Even with the newest firewalls, encryption schemes and what more, breaches are an almost daily occurence.

The answer is actually quite simple, as we can read in this article in Processor Magazine. The whole model that has… Continue

Added by Michiel van Blommestein on May 31, 2010 at 22:45 — No Comments

Point of discussion: should less be more?

Quick post today. I came across a blogpost by Doug Mohney at Green Data Center News today. He took aim at a new solution by Alcatel Lucent.

Basically, it's very simple: it concerns a network of piping that transports heat from the racks to the heat sink. Nothing special really. The main problem is that is could well be less green as advertised. Mohney could very well be right about that: installing it might be very energy intensive.

My question to the community is: is he… Continue

Added by Michiel van Blommestein on May 28, 2010 at 21:41 — No Comments

Another Small Win for Standards

We all know the need for standards within the data center sphere. But with standards, you also need enforcement and incentives for companies to apply them. Unfortunately, that advances slowly.

Sometimes however, a small but significant step is taken. Take the recent news that SGI is redesigning their ICE Cube container data centers to fit standard… Continue

Added by Michiel van Blommestein on May 27, 2010 at 22:31 — No Comments

Hurray! The Crisis is at an End! (or is it?)

At least, that is if I can believe Gartner, who just send me this bit of news:

"Worldwide server shipments grew 23 per cent year over year in the first quarter of 2010, while revenue increased 6 per cent, according to Gartner, Inc."

Hurray! That means the crisis (at least in IT) is fading. It is about time, because server shipments were hitting rock bottom the last year.

However, that is not the whole story:

""We've seen a return to growth on a worldwide… Continue

Added by Michiel van Blommestein on May 26, 2010 at 22:11 — No Comments

A New Metric to Keep Uptime High

This is a bit of 'breaking news' I got from Techtarget today: The Uptime Institute has drawn up a new metric to measure the ability of a data center to keep running without interruption. Called the Operational Sustainability benchmark, it is to published on 1 July.

We know the Uptime Institute for their… Continue

Added by Michiel van Blommestein on May 25, 2010 at 21:26 — No Comments

World's First iPhone App for the Data Center Industry!

Hi Members,


Phone application to connect the data center industry. This appears to be the first dedicated iPhone App for the data center industry and brings further exposure to iPhone users worldwide of the content you, our members, add to the network.


Added by DCPNet Admin on May 24, 2010 at 9:09 — 2 Comments

Uptime INstitue Symposium 2010

Having just returned from the Uptime event in NYC I have to admit I saw so very interesting advances in monitoring software. In fact it appears that the monitoring software is merging with asset management software to create and extremely versatile tool set for the data center and facility managers. By merging the two software applications the ability to perform capacity planning in a real time mode is now available. In addition to the capaicity planning I saw some great examples of… Continue

Added by Michael Balles on May 24, 2010 at 6:25 — 1 Comment

Uptime Institute Data Center Symposium in New York was amazing!

Just got back from the Uptime Institute's latest data Center conference held in New York City. In a…


Added by Robert Schmidt on May 22, 2010 at 2:12 — No Comments

The Ever Lasting IT-Facilities-Management Conflict

In the world of data centers, the IT department, the facilities department and general management seem to be constantly at odds with one another. Each one has different goals, and different ways of doing things. This article on data center journal is the most recent one exploring this theme. The article links back to many… Continue

Added by Michiel van Blommestein on May 21, 2010 at 18:30 — No Comments

The Future of the Data Center is not Green, but another Colour

Would this been posted to Data Center Knowledge about one-and-a-half month ago, I would have ignored it. But as it is not 1 April, this is way to good to pass up: HP have done a study about utilising cow manure as a source for power. The paper can be found here, and here is a video where Chandrakant Patel from HP… Continue

Added by Michiel van Blommestein on May 20, 2010 at 23:26 — No Comments

The Westmere and GPU's make a Push

This year was bound to be a year of server refreshes, and in short succession HP and IBM have done just that. Respectively the HP ProLiant ranges and IBM System x have had an overhaul to take their servers forward another two years or so.

In both cases, the most important upgrade is the processor. The start of this year saw the release of the new Westmere architecture by Intel, and the big three can't afford to let the processor slip by. Its six cores (although four cores are still an… Continue

Added by Michiel van Blommestein on May 19, 2010 at 21:49 — No Comments

Multi-tenancy explained

Sreedhar Kajeepeta, CTO of Computer Sciences Corp., has written an column for Computerworld explaining the concept of multi-tenancy.

That concept really isn't all that much. It just constitutes the core of the whole cloud computing model.

While I can reproduce the article briefly in my own words, I don't think that's necessary. It is a quick read, comprehensible and it offers some examples. You can read it… Continue

Added by Michiel van Blommestein on May 18, 2010 at 23:28 — No Comments

Has SAS70/SSAE16 audit become a requirement to increase your co-location business?

Has SAS70/SSAE16 audit become a requirement to increase your co-location business?

Added by keith harrell on May 17, 2010 at 6:14 — No Comments

Sentient Machines in the Data Center?

I'm pretty sure sentience implies self-awareness, which is not quite what this is about, but still. Data center systems that can anticipate their own…


Added by Ken Jamaca on May 13, 2010 at 21:30 — No Comments

Modius @ Uptime - Integrate the Data Center Ecosystem by Federating Power & Environmental Intelligence

Come see us at booth# 419 - Uptime Institute Symposium 2010 - Data Center Efficiency & Green Enterprise IT

Our CEO Craig Compiano has a speaking engagement and panel discussion:

"Data Center Management Tools…

Added by Robert Schmidt on May 11, 2010 at 1:37 — No Comments

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