February 2017 Blog Posts (15)

BYOD: Is it the New-Gen Big Hit?

Previously, employees used to work on the devices issued by the company that was entirely encrypted by strict set of guidelines that limited the usage of the device. But now things have changed completely and employees want more flexible ways to work and this have led to the adoption of BYOD approach. With the growth in latest gadgets…


Added by Priti on February 28, 2017 at 10:51 — No Comments

February 2017 Server StorageIO Update Newsletter (Data Center and Data Infrastructure Insights)

Hello and welcome to the February 2017 issue of the Server StorageIO update newsletter.

With world backup (and recovery) day coming up on March 31, it makes sense to plan, review, assess, remediate, test and prepare in…


Added by Greg Schulz on February 27, 2017 at 19:32 — No Comments

Datacenter and IT Infrastructure Server Storage I/O Tradecraft Trends

Data Infrastructure Server Storage I/O Tradecraft Trends


Data Infrastructure server storage I/O network and associated tradecraft are your skills, experiences, insight as well as tricks of the trade, profession and job function…


Added by Greg Schulz on February 27, 2017 at 19:24 — No Comments

What Is Your Data Infrastructure Server Storage I/O related Tradecraft?

Data Infrastructure server storage I/O network and associated tradecraft are your skills, experiences, insight as well as tricks of the trade, profession and job function (read more about what is a data infrastructure here). This is the first of a two-part series exploring data infrastructure along…


Added by Greg Schulz on February 27, 2017 at 19:09 — No Comments

Data Gravity in the Cloud Industry

Data gravity is a term coined by Dave McCrory stating that data keeps accumulating (building mass) and with that increases the probabilities of additional services and applications being attracted to this data. This is similar to the Law of Gravity. The term was coined to describe the concept that as the mass of…


Added by Priti on February 23, 2017 at 9:59 — No Comments

Do you want a side of SLBS (server less BS) with your software or hardware FUD?

Did you want a side of SLBS with your software or hardware FUD?

server storage I/O trends

Did you want a side of SLBS (serverless BS) with your software or hardware FUD?

A few years ago a popular industry buzzword term theme included server less and hardware less.

It turns out, serverless BS (SLBS) and hardware less…


Added by Greg Schulz on February 21, 2017 at 23:06 — No Comments

6 (or more) data center and software defined management dashboards

Software defined data infrastructure management and insight tools

server storage I/O trends

Recently I found in my inbox a link to a piece 6 Dashboards for Managing Every Modern Data Center that caught my attention. I was hoping to see who the six different dashboard solutions were instead of finding list of dashboard considerations for…


Added by Greg Schulz on February 21, 2017 at 23:00 — No Comments

The advantages of Cloud Application Control

According to researches, nearly 80 percent of employees that own mobile devices prefer using it to access corporate data, given that the technique is more flexible and enables them to work in real-time. In spite of the fact that accessing corporate data via mobile devices signifies potential security threat, legacy solutions were designed to combat the risk factors. This was way before the global explosion of web applications such as Dropbox, Facebook, etc. Since then, the…


Added by Priti on February 20, 2017 at 10:25 — No Comments

Steps to securing customer data from damages

 It's not surprising that the global security market is expected to reach $80 billion by2017. Last year, there have been a number of high-profile victims that caused massive property damage and this says that even the slightest of security gap can give you the biggest nightmare. While the stakes are high, organizations must ensure to look at digital…


Added by Priti on February 13, 2017 at 10:29 — No Comments

Future Work in Data Analysis and Forecasting within our Kenyan Telcos and Africa at large.

There has been recent progress in the analysis of call-center data.   Call-by-call  data  from a small number  of sites  have  been  obtained  and  analyzed,  and  these  limited  results  have  proven  to  be fascinating.    In  some cases,  such  as the  characterization of the  arrival  process  and  of the  delay of arriving  calls to the  system,  conventional assumptions and models of system  performance  have been upheld.  In others, such as the…


Added by SAMWEL KARIUKI on February 13, 2017 at 9:29 — No Comments

Isn’t it simpler to try the hosting before you buy it?

Isn’t it simpler to try the hosting before you buy it?

Get cheap, reliable and high performance dedicated server with a free trial from a leading web hosting solutions provider. There is no obligation to renew if you aren't completely satisfied with the quality of our service. We offer secure, stable and high performance dedicated server hosting that uses the latest…


Added by Radhe Dhakad on February 9, 2017 at 12:46 — No Comments

Why you should go for cloud hosting?

Cloud computing is a type of computing based on internet. In the past, when we had to run applications or program in a software, we were required to download the software in a physical computer or server that would take the process further. Cloud allows users to access the similar applications through the internet.

Cloud has been a big boom in the business as well due to its ability to deliver enterprise-level solutions at cost…


Added by Priti on February 9, 2017 at 10:23 — No Comments

How is flash storage transforming business?

Flash storage technology that was initially used to help make mobile devices lighter, sleeker and smarter, is now all set to play its part in the evolution of smart cities. But then the question arises that how the storage technology designed to portable computing has managed to reach at this peak. It all brings us to the point that these innovative storage solutions are risking their claim on plans for smart cities in India as well as internationally.…


Added by Priti on February 6, 2017 at 10:03 — No Comments

If the Answer is NVMe, what were and are the questions?

server storage I/O trends

If NVMe is the answer, then what were and are the various questions that should be asked?

Some of the common questions include what is the difference between NVM and NVMe?

Is NVMe only for servers, does NVMe require fabrics and what benefit is NVMe beyond more IOPs.

Lets take a look at some of these common…


Added by Greg Schulz on February 4, 2017 at 23:06 — No Comments

Internet of Things is about Data, Not Things

Internet of Things (IoT) is not just about connected devices, but it is more in connection with data storage. As our experts predict that 50 billion devices will be connected by 2020, it also brings with it a great deal of challenges and the major one is data. IoT machines perform a wide line of duty which could…


Added by Priti on February 2, 2017 at 10:15 — No Comments

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